740-206-8522 jtesta@teci-rv.com

Black and Grey Tanks

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12(B) – Black Tank (#1)

12.B-1.1 – Black Water Tank #1 A F P NI NP
12.B-1.2 – Black Tank #1 – Valve Operates Yes No NI NP
12.B-1.3 – Black Tank #1 – Tank, Valve or Line Leaks Yes No NI NP
12.B-1.4 – Black Tank #1 – Drain Cap in Place Yes No NI NP
12.B-1.5 – Black Tank #1 – Drain Cap Holds Water Back Yes No NI NP
12.B-1.6 – Black Tank #1 – Monitor Panel Condition A F P NI NP
12.B-1.7 – Black Tank #1 – Monitor Reading Empty 1/4 1/3 1/2 2/3 3/4 Full Unable to Determine Digital Readout NP

12(C) – Grey Tank (#1)

12.C-1.1 – Grey Water Tank #1 A F P NI NP
12.C-1.2 – Grey Tank #1 – Valve Operates Yes No NI NP
12.C-1.3 – Grey Tank #1 – Tank, Valve or Line Leaks Yes No NI NP
12.C-1.4 – Grey Tank #1 – Drain Cap in Place Yes No NI NP
12.C-1.5 – Grey Tank #1 – Drain Cap Holds Water Back Yes No NI NP
12.C-1.6 – Grey Tank #1 – Monitor Panel Condition A F P NI NP
12.C-1.7 – Grey Tank #1 – Monitor Reading Empty 1/4 1/3 1/2 2/3 3/4 Full Unable to Determine Digital Readout NP

Let’s delve a little bit into this:

For EACH black and grey tank, an evaluation is done.

  1. Tank #1 Info: How does it look, is it leaking?
  2. Tank #1 – Valve Operates:  Pulling on the valve does it work correctly?
  3. Tank #1 – Tank, Valve or Line Leaks< once closed is the valve leaking, does the lines leak?
  4. Tank #1 – Drain Cap in Place:  Is there a drain cap?  Is it missing?
  5. Tank #1 – Drain Cap Holds Water Back:  put on drain cap, open valve to let some liquid into it, does the cap leak?
  6. Tank #1 – Monitor Panel Condition:  Does the monitor panel work for this tank?
  7. Tank #1 – Monitor Reading:  What is the reading for the tank?

Next week we will check out propane leak testing and detectors(smoke, propane, CO).

See you next week 🙂