740-206-8522 jtesta@teci-rv.com

Today is RV roof inspection “stuff” 🙂

If you have any questions, hit me up on mewe.com here ->>>>>  RV Mentor on MeWe

What is checked on the roof:

02.A.1 – Roof Condition – How does it look, what about the sealant
02.A.2 – Roof Type – What type of roof is this, rubber, etc
02.A.3 – Roof Ladder Type – Is it permanently mounted, removable, exist
02.A.4 – Ladder Roof – Access – can it be used to access the roof?
02.A.5 – Number of Solar Panels – How many are there?
02.A.6 – Solar Panels Condition
02.A.7 – Front Cap, Joints/Seals
02.A.8 – Awning Rail Trim CURBSIDE
02.A.9 – Rear Cap Joints Seals
02.A.10 – Awning Rail Trim STREETSIDE
02.A.11 – Vents – Manual Crank
02.A.12 – Vents – Powered
02.A.13 – Exterior Vent Covers
02.A.14 – Plumbing Vent Covers
02.A.15 – Roof Refrigerator Vent
02.A.16 – Skylights
02.A.17 – TV Antenna EXT Roof Unit
02.A.18 – TV Antenna Interior Handle Crank
02.A.19 – TV Antenna – Moves up/down
02.A.20 – TV Antenna – Cleaned/Inspected
02.A.21 – TV Antenna Power Booster Works
02.A.22 – Satellite Antenna
02.A.23 – Radio Antenna
02.A.24 – Air Horns (For Motorhomes)
02.A.25 – Equipment Removed – Does it appear anything was removed from the roof?
02.A.26 – Other(list and evaluate)

Check the appearance of the Air Conditioners.
02.B.1 – Air Conditioner #1 Shroud
02.B.2 – Air Conditioner #1 Exterior Coils

For the majority of the items, it is “How does it look?”  This concept comes with experience of looking at roofs and the various pieces parts, take a look below, what do you think?

Some of the most important things on the roof that is evaluated VERY CAREFULLY and in DETAIL is sealant, looking for cracks, hold, loose, dried out, etc.

On Motorhomes, we also look at the front windshield and make sure wiper blades work.

Next time we will talk about the sidewalls, the paint, decals, etc.